Is their any plan to give futa balls? Or at least add a shemale option where your a futa without a pussy and have balls? Because i'm not going to lie it kind of feels insulting the game keeps slapping me with the "Sweet walls before balls." line. At first I didn't care but the snake lady just felt like a personal stab. the line of "No futa balls are useless." Genuinely felt like If I went to that world they would just force me to go back to being a guy because "The hell is wrong with you? You got balls ether turn into a guy or lose them and grow a pussy." (Yes im a trans woman this is why I say this.)
Listen, when it comes down to it, don't you think a futa looks better without a ball sack, as for one, futanari means a character who has an overall feminine body, but has both female and male primary genitalia, witch could include a ball sack, but mostly in reference to breasts, a penis, and a vagina. So, where the ball sack sits would overlap where the ball sack is, therefore, I say logically futas shouldn't have a ball sack. Also, a futa with a ball sack would have a harder time getting fucked in the pussy, as the damned ball sack would get in the way. Also, when you say a futa with out a pussy, you do know that if the futa doesn't have a pussy then it is not a futa. As a futa is born with the genitalia of both male and female, minus the ball sack. So I make my point, don't say that futas should have ball sacks, as they are useless to a futa, since they are not male or female, they are both, unlike a transgender person, as in real life you are either male or female, meaning if you have a penis and ball sack, then your male, no ifs ands or buts. But if you have a pussy and no ball sack and no penis then your female. People need to under stand that you might choose what you wanna be, but unless you actually change all your genitalia to the opposite sex then you haven't changed from your old sex.
Sorry for my ramblings, I just can't help but comment on posts like this one to tell the poster about my feelings on the topic, especially since it is about futas, I love futanari type content and a lot of it is like this game, no fucking balls, just the way it should be with futas.
so first to assume i think without is better is not a good start to a counter argument.
Next just because you have a set type you agree with doesn't mean that is the right one. The definition of futanari is Japanese word for hermaphroditism and they have both sexs characteristics. That is another description of it.
Also you have types. Full package, sans pussy, sans dick (for some reason i don't know or understand).
OK then explain the male. If balls are that much an issue for sex with you why in this game the men have balls. Your and the game logic are saying because the balls get in the way they should be gone. And because male monsters exist to there will be a male that gets penetrated. If your argument is "well men not have pussy" ya and catgirls can't get railed by a dick the size of a tree. Your idea is also saying that because im a futa im not being a proper one unless im using my pussy? Ya wife i know you hate the taste of my dick but your teeth are getting in the way of giving me a blowjob. So we have to remove them.
I can respect that. Really i respect the fact your preference is a futa without balls. But you should remember that your not the only human. I'm not fully a futa sure but remember the point where I said "or add a shemale that is the female but has a dick balls but no pussy." Because if you break down fully what I am i am a shemale. I look just like a woman from all the hormones and you wouldn't know i have a dick till I got a boner. And what your telling me here is my balls need to be lopped off and a pussy attached because i don't fit your idea of what you see as a proper futanari or all of my efforts to change what I am should be threw away because unless im willing to mutalate my genitalia I'm not good enough.
as a man with a pussy, i think there should def be an option for the woman with penises to have an option to have balls too. it wouldn't even be that hard to achieve, because fundamentally you could easily make the mechanics that of the male characters so they couldn't get pregnant too. hell if that's too hard there could be an option to toggle balls on them instead, just means they'll get penetrated behind the nuts instead and we can all pretend it's an asshole since the dev didn't include that kind of stuff either
Sorry for the late reply, but I don't have a problem with sex with balls, I only have a problem with it when a futa has balls, as I said it is an obstruction of the pussy, and if a futa doesn't have a pussy then I can't call them a futa, so I don't have a problem with balls, as on a male the balls don't get in the way of sex, either when they get screwed in the ass or are the one doing the screwing, it just becomes a problem when the ball sack obscures the hole the dick goes into.
Also, when you say;
"And what your telling me here is my balls need to be lopped off and a pussy attached because i don't fit your idea of what you see as a proper futanari or all of my efforts to change what I am should be threw away because unless im willing to mutalate my genitalia I'm not good enough."
I am not saying that at all, as when it comes down to it, I don't like a female to have a dick, and here is the thing I define a female as someone that doesn't have a dick, a male is defined as someone having a dick, but of course, if you don't have a dick nor a pussy then your nonbinary, so with that, I only recognize those three genders (male, female, nonbinary). But I do respect people's pronouns, until it comes down to a male that has become a female, as on the base level, a male produces a decent amount of testosterone, that makes a man more robust than a woman, so when I hear that men that became women are competing in female sports competitions, I can't help but want to kill them, of course, I would never do such a hanis crime as to kill someone, but it shows that I just hate it when a male goes and becomes a female, and note I my self am a natural born male.
Plus I only say that a futa shouldn't have balls from the standpoint of games, art, fictional shit. As in real life, a futa would need a ball sack to produce sperm to impregnate those who have wombs. Also, in real life, I say there is no such thing as a futa in the real world as one of their genitals most likely is fake.
Also, don't try playing off what I said about futas in my other comment, as when I talk about futas I am talking about the world of fiction, most of the time.
I didn't get this message. But yes I respect your idea of futa don't need balls. Just add a shemale option. Disable pregnancy and because the game seems to always prioritize male as pinatrater the shemale code is a copy pasted code of male but using the female body with the male body genitals.
Honestly I love herm, and I enjoy them to have big balls ^^ So maybe having the choice ? Like you said that complicate the penetration so if the herm have balls we'll be a bit more limited with the positions. But, I really think having balls would be great for a herm.
Not really just use the male code. I tried everything I could to get the male human penitrated and it seems all most imposable. But personally I don't mind if things clip a bit
It's a wonderful game and I want to see more in the futur versions. (maybe new monsters like LAMIA, CENTORUS, MERMAID or ARACHNE and new males forms with new biomes .)
I don't know if you still respond on this website or not, but I'd be interested in helping... if you don't mind helping someone learn when needed, I also do not wish to *earn money* from this, I genuinely find this game as a lot of potential and wish to join in the experience of the creation... if you'll allow me.
You're probably being bombarded with ideas or suggestions, but I have a couple practical ones I hope get through. The first being an overarching quest or mission which employs all of the mechanics of the game (breeding, sex positions, opening all the portals & gates, etc.) and I was thinking the reward would be a little NPC spirit thing that you would eventually breed a 'body' for and would then travel with you and have options when interacted with for sex, and farm tasks (i.e. collect semen, collect milk, and so on where you then select the species). Options could later be added to make the NPC mate cooler.
Another idea that I really hope gets through would be more sorting options in the ranch, like filtering by subspecies and having a checkbox filter for genetic traits.
Those were the main two, but here are a few others I think players will really dig.
A "Generate cut-scene" option with it's own hotkey would actually pause the game and generate a more advanced, finer rendered, and more fully animated (i.e. slow mo moment of initial penetration, more realistic movement aspects and body/tissue dynamics) 1 to 5 minute video from the user cam POV which you can save in your library (standard format). Settings would be available for adding checkbox features like "extreme *** inflation ending", "overfilled: *** shoots out opposite orifice", "full-through: long, narrow appendages can poke out of opposite orifice", "enhanced belly bulge animation", "end with facial", and so on. This effectively gives the game a custom fetish porn generator aspect which will give it more longevity. An addon pack could later add a clip editor to the game for splicing together scenes from within the game itself and/or add advanced scripting and camera control features to the "Generate cut-scene" option so you could "Script cut-scene" first.
Finally, I think a "Voyeur" character would be neat who would volunteer to breed Neph for you based on desired criteria 3 times per day. You would simply check off the desired traits, gender, and end species. He offers to do this because he gets off on watching the Neph breeding and the idea of controlling who mates with who is exciting to him. But to get him on board you have to breed him something he can come home to after a "hard" day of "work". :) You get an on screen notification when a Neph is born with the desired traits.
... Oh and I want to be able to shag Blossom. :)
I can see the amount of work and care that has gone into crafting this game and am really impressed. This game has something most other X-rated games do not. Depth. Keep up the great work and I look forward to the next update.
PS: Moving the Homestead portal closer to home has been suggested before, I hope this one gets into the game as well. I can run to certain neighboring locations almost as quick as I can run to the nearest portal.
I got this game on Steam because it was free and the description sounded like this was more than just a simple hentai game, and I was right. You're doing an awesome job, and I'm even more impressed to now know that this is a personal project. It already looks much more polished than most early access games out right now, so if this is alpha, I can't wait to see where this goes. As this is actually the first hentai game I've ever installed, ever, literally, I don't have much to compare it to in that respect, but I think your animations and character models are great and spot on. I do have a few suggestions, and I hope this is the right place to post them. If not, let me know where.
The only real suggestions I have for the graphics and animation, which are amazing already, is more variation in genitalia, both male and female, and some animation on the male side. To expand, variations on labia and clits at the very least would be awesome, as well as variation for penis and testicle size for males. Regarding the males, the stick straight permaboners are a little weird, and an alternate animation for a flaccid penis when they're just running around in idle mode (go erect for chase mode) would not only add a little more realism, but I think a LOT of humor. ;D
I also saw a couple previous comments referring to the lack of M/M sex in the game, and as a hetero cis male, I kinda agree that it should be included, even with the extra workload of creating a few more animations and the fact that a m/m copulation won't result in breeding, this game is far too awesome and polished to leave our gay brothers out of the fun. They can still breed their Nephelym with each other, and engage their own avatar only with partners of their choosing. This game has the framework already to be all inclusive.
Regarding gameplay and mechanics, I know it's still alpha, so these could be down the road already... A minimap or even a menu map would be a BIG help for getting around, as well as waypoint markers on a compass hud. It is fun to just explore, but sometimes you get turned around and run in circles looking for the way to get somewhere.
Some of the Pussy Portals are kinda far away from convenient places, and I'm mostly talking about the one at the Homestead. It would be so much better closer to the main house so you can sleep quicker and not have to run all the way across the field when you're grinding (lol, pun intended) for Nephelym.
The only other suggestion I have so far is a help/reference menu. It's not really clear so far as to what the breeding mechanics are so I'm having a hard time figuring out how to fulfill the breeding requests because I don't really know how to do what they're asking for, or sometimes even what they're asking for in the first place.
Again, I understand this is still in alpha, so some of these things may be in the chute already. Just wanted to give some constructive feedback for improvement and let you know you're doing an AWESOME job on this project. For my first hentai game, I'm impressed. Keep up the great work. ;D
_ bonjour a toutes et a tous, cela fait maintenant un petit moment que je connait vos jeux, un grand merci au créateur de reproducteurs du néphéme pour se game de qualiter. je n'est pas pue m'empêcher de constater un réel travaille fait avec passion. déplacement simple et efficace nous permettons de voyager dans votre univers et de prendre du plaisir visuellement car il faut le dire les graphismes son époustouflant, les textures de peau son magnifique les forêts sont somptueuses ainsi que de nombreux endroit. N'oublions pas la physique qui est mis en avant! Un saut dans le futur qui ma laisser complètement perplexe! Les poitrines bougeant au rythme des actions, les fluides restant sous forme de flac après s'être écoulé au sol, le mouvement de l'eau lorsque l'on marche, cour, les postérieurs se secouant,
A) _ Parlons un peut des texture, la peau des personnages sont lisses et bien soigner, le récolteur de fluide et caoutchouteux et brillant laissent transparaitre la récolte, l'eau, la lave sont fluides et respect la drensiter de masse, les particules d 'arbre sont hypnotisantes et de toute beauté. La bouche! Avez-vous ne ceresse qu'une seule fois regarder dedans? sur voit la glotte! Magnifique. Mais nous ne pouvons pas parler de texture s'en mettre en avant les modifications du personnage, les décorations ainsi que de nombreuses modifications de peau, sont tout simplement remarquables.
B) _ J'ai constaté un effort de diversité de fluide et de lait selon les espèces ... Ces du génie! votre équipe sur une imagination débordante et fort appréciable.
C) _ Les moyens de récolte, de part mon animation bureaux énormément plus, (la traite), AINSI (que les branlette) oui ahah sa ma plus. Les récoltes son satisfaisantes et bien penser. de part les diffèrent façon selon les espèces choisies. L'idée de ferme et bien pensée, je dirait même que c'est exactement ce qu'il fallait.
D) _ Les captures de Nephelym son fort agréables et avouons le assez excitant. en parlant de capture d'espèce, le choix y est et pour tout les gouts ce qui de mon point de vue est une très bonne chose. V ous les aimer de petite taille, de grande taille, de taille normale? vous les aimer bien, ronde? tout y est!
E) _ L'évolution du jeu et intéressant, la argent d'argent et assez simple et rapide à prendre en main. la vente de Nephelym pour obtenir des goddess et bien pensée.
F) _ L'accouplement ... Je dit oui! crée des liens virtuels entres plusieurs inter espèces et génial, cela permet d'agrandir le nombres de diversité, ainsi que de découvrir des créatures magnifiques, insoupçonnés, et dit ajouter une pincette de réalisme. Enceinte!? ces un miracle, je vous mentirez si je n'est pas faillit lâcher une larmichette, lorsque j'ai appris être mère! un lien charnelle ces tout de suite crée entre nous ahah, trêve de plaisanterie, tous simplement magique.
G) _ Le choix de préférence et un point énorme, le fait de pouvoir choisir entre, femme, homme ou futa, permet au joueur une meilleure immersion celons ces gout et ainsi dit prendre plus de plaisir.
H) _ Une histoire mise de coter, n'est pas si grave en soit, je dirait même plus, cela nous permet de crée la notre.
I) _ La possibilité de débloquer différente position sexuelle, ajoute une motivation supplémentaire au joueur, et le force ainsi, avec plaisir, a explorer le monde magique et utopique de Breeders of the Nephelym.
J) _ Avez-vous explorer le royaume de l'eau? si ce n'est pas le cas fonces y, aller nager au milieu des algues vertes et autre végétations sou marine lumineuse, mais je reviendrai la dessus dans le point deux.
K) Voyager d'un monde imaginaire ces bien, mais ce qui est encore mieux, ces de voyager dans plusieurs mondes, et grâce à l'imagination des créateurs, éleveurs du néphélyme, on nous le permet, nous passons d'une monde dance en végétations au lieu le plus chaud et le plus inhospitalier pour le genre humain.
L) _ La forme spirituelle ... So sexy, so 2050, on dit oui est l'on ne s'en lassera jamais, beau travaille de réalisation artistique.
M) freeeee tooo playyyyyyyyy !!!!!! MERCI! Et ces s'incère.
Car, comme dans tous les jeux il y a en a, et ce n'est pas une surprise, il est bon de les recenser. Vue que nombreux d'entre vous vous lirons ce poste, déjà un grand merci, mais surtout, comprenez que les critiques sont la pour améliorer l'expérience du jeu et non une fin perfide et insolente, merci de votre compréhensions.
A) _ Dans le premier point nous parlions de différentes espèces, et malgré une diversité intéressante, nous constatons, par la force des choses, qu'elle n'est pas si diversifier que l'on peut espérer, s'en compter certaine espèce, qui n'enthousiasmerons pas les plus raffiner, ou les plus difficiles, oui, je fait allusion, au physique de certaine espèce de nymphe, qui de mon point de vue ma laisser de marbre, je me retrouver malgré moi face a une espèce que je ne voulais pas attraper, de part sa trop grande rondeur ainsi qu'une paire de seins bien trop charismatique. je citerai quelque s'une d'entre elle, les Sylvan, les Titan, les Bovaur. mais comme un déjà dit un grand homme, il en faut pour tout es gout.
B) _ Nous parlions tout à l'heure de la différence géologique, les grottes, les volcans, et j'en passe, certains d'entre elle mon impressionner de part leur grandeur et la beauté même qui si dégager, mais nous passons du tout au tout, a gauche nous avons Esoteric Glade vêtu d'arbre rose au particule dansantes sur ces tronc ainsi qu'un magnifique lac, puis a gauche nous avons une plaine gigantesque vide, fade, triste, s'en couleur, ne nous donnants pas envi d'y rester plus qu'il ne faut. J'ai envie de mettre sa sur la faute d'un jeu non fini en pleine amélioration, mais ces un autre sujet que j'aborderais tout à l'heure.
D) _ une évolution du jeu trop rapide, ce qui nous pousse à chercher quoi faire, et ce retrouver face à la dure réalité qui est de déjà posséder toute les espèces ainsi que les fermes. Par un manque d'objectif flou, et un manque de cruelle d'objet à trouver, gagner, débloquer.
E) - Aucun artéfact, aucun vêtement, ou équipement à trouver dans un coffre, un certain manque d'équipement pesant, ou sont les bon vieux collier, les bracelet ou même simplement des items de vie a ramasser au file de nos voyage a fin de nous poussez un peut plus dans l'aventure et la découverte de votre monde fantastique qui a déjà beaucoup d'adepte, a fin augmenter nos compétences.
F) _ Ne pas avoir la possibilité de changer de vêtement, sous notre forme normale, est de mon point de vue dommage, une possibilité de rentrer dans notre maison afin d'avoir accès à une penderie ou serait stoker nos vêtements récolter au fichier du temps serait la bienvenu. On peut y ajouter un coffre afin de ranger les différentes babiole amasser durant nos exploration. Mais mon point de vue a une faille, car vue que l'on fait très vite le tour de votre Mapp, on ce retrouverais rapidement en possession de tout les artefact, vêtements, mais une compensation de niveau pour porter divers article pourrait la compenser.
G) _ Pas de carte? Je sais que votre Mapp n'est pas gigantesque mais quand même ...
H) _ Un jeu non fini ... artistiquement, comme sur le gameplay.
I) Un jeu à l'abandons de la part de ses créateur? je m'explique, votre dernier mis a jour remonte au 14 mai ...
( Un jeu magnifique sur ses graphisme ainsi que sur la prise en charge du développement de notre personnage, certaine espèce sont fantastique, pourvue de charme , les interaction et cinématique sont fort satisfaisantes, une bonne immersion dans l'univers de Breeders of the Nephelym, une physique impressionnante pouvant donner une bonne leçon a certain jeux du moment, malheureusement, nous contemplons une pyramide en or non aboutie, de nombreux travaux sont encore a faire, et certaine idée reste encore a peaufiner. Mais ne jetons pas la pierre, car nous avons devant nous une pépite encore trop peut méconnu du grand publique, et qui un jour je l'espère fera parler d'elle comme un bon Call of Duty. Un grand merci au développeur de DerelictHelmsman, d'avoir ouvert la voit a l'un des meilleur jeux de catégorie adulte, et de rendre ces jeux plus sérieux et ambitieux. Merci, merci.)
Ps: oui il est 5h du matin.
1) Pourquoi ne pas compléter la mapp dans l'eau? Sur pourrais y trouver des sirènes par exemples, je suis aller faire un tour et si il y a bien quelque chose a choisi un dire, ces gigantesque! Je suis sur que vous pouvez y faire quelque chose d'intéressant.
I've played your game a lot over the last few days - I'm really liking the trait aspect and it's turning into a really good game so far. I can tell you put a lot of work into it. I'm a heterosexual female who is 100% playing your game to take the giant, graphic D in every way possible. No way to sugar coat it so I won't bother trying.
I really like how you've made a genuine effort to make aspects of the game customizable to help with the players gratification but as a straight female I feel a little ignored when it comes to those customization options. I wanted to see if I could get a message to you some how to let you know what would really improve the experience for people in my demographic.
Because of that, it stood out to me that some of your species don't have males. Just females or, if you have it toggled on, futanari. Futas aren't really my thing but I have to toggle them on to play the way I do. So, I was wondering, are you going to eventually add male models for almost all the species?
I also was wondering whether you could add a feature in settings that allows the player to adjust the spawn ratio for males, females, futanari. You already have a toggle to turn off futanari and stop them from spawning, so I assume there probably is a line of code there somewhere that you might be able to create a toggle for?
Standing in Pleasure Pastures and having to wait all damn day for some D borders on F-this - but I'm obsessed so I do. The male spawn ratio isn't really an issue with the Demons or Starfallen, but I notice it with the Bovar especially and some times I have really terrible luck in Lustwood too. Sometimes it's just me standing in a sea of vajajay and unless I made my breeder a futa (which don't get me wrong sometimes *eyebrow wiggle*) it's no fun.
I imagine some players in the male demographic might like the idea of making the male spawn ratio 0 so they don't have giant Dragon D dangling over their heads while they're doing something else lol.
I hope you see this and thank you for taking the time to read this. I really enjoy your game and if it could eventually get some small updates to help customize my experience a little more I would be over the moon. It's great where it is but since you say it's in Alpha I imagine you might consider making some changes/additions for people like me.
Played an early version and it had M/F, M/M, and F/F content. Now he says that he doesn't have M/M since this is a "breeding" game and it would make no sense to include it. Yet F/F is okay to keep in? Sorry. This game is too homophobic for my liking. Make the game that you want to play and to Hell with making a game that EVERYONE can enjoy, right? Oh well. I wish you the best. I hope you make a lot of money on this. You just won't get any of mine.
An idea to apply the breeding mechanic, traits, and statistics. The story for Breeders of the Nephelym begins as the gods/goddesses of love/sex compete to see who is the most hypersexual. Hypersexuality translates into power for sex/lust deities. They decide to settle the matter through a "Fuck Off" competition. Deities set the rules as follows:
1) No divine intervention. True hypersexuality persist without constant divine stimulation.
2) Therefore, Competitors must be bred by a breeder. Deities may guide their breeder in best practices.
2) Competitors must win a series of "Gang Bang" tournaments to advance in rank (E Rank, D Rank, C Rank, B Rank, A Rank)
3) Competitors must win the Cosmic tournament to be declared "Gang Bang Champion."
Success in tournament proves god/goddess as the most hypersexual, thus most powerful. A Tournament match consists a battle of sexual position determined through Rock(Dick), Paper(Blow Job) , Scissors(Pussy) or through a Sexual Mini Game Design. Then, the match concludes with the stamina test used in the Surprise Sex mechanic. Sexual positions offer an advantage against different Nephelym either increasing pleasure or increasing stamina. Traits can synergize with different sexual positions to improve sexual resistance or sexual pleasure of the competitor.
Players select their god/goddess for whom they will represent ( Each deity affects breeding, resources, and combat/sex. The deity's influence can add strengths, weaknesses, and unique abilities. The story opens with the deity abducting the breeder. On Nephelym, the story opens as it is currently set with gameplay explanation by Falene. When the story progresses to Leylanna and The Emissary, conditions are offered on how to return home: 1) Build favor through the Emissary by completing quest, and 2) Transcend Nephelym to the pantheon of myth such as Cerberus, Zu, or Chimera ( Once the tasks are completed, not only will the player have serious fuck machines but other ways of collecting Orgasium. The story mode ends with the breeder returning home or moving on to the next challenge, another land with more creatures to mate and compete.
Another mechanic can be cosmetic surgery. Through a new character, Orgasium can purchase physical alterations to Nephelym. The action may improve body build but negatively affect sexual performance, advantage vs. performance in matches.
Hey! just wanted to let you know that i really love your game, i know it's still under development but, I would love if maybe you expanded a bit in the inflation/bulging department :D also maybe like, make some rare items or rare stuff you can find by adventuring (or breeding) that could let you modify some body parts beyond the limit!
I've been playing this for several days now and aside from being a sucker for character creation I've had a soft spot for breeder games or games with such mechanics ( specifically ones that create hybrids) ever since playing Jade Cocoon on PS1 it looks good runs well and plays well (though might I suggest a way to filter selection of nephelym by traits ?) Its just so fun to discover what you get by crossing the various Monster-Girl types and the surprise sex system is hilarious
I've had my character tackled from off camera to the ground and fucked silly , that just makes me laugh for some reason especially as I imagine my character "Eeping"as she hits the dirt lol .
while I love whats already available and can't wait for the full release I gotta ask:
I found a wiki that mentioned Risu (rats) , Alraune(plant/fungi) and Undead(ghosts) as well as plans for variants Imp (demon) , Kitsune(foxen) ,Minotaur(Bovaur) , Kobald(Vulwarg), Ogre(Titan) and Tiger(Neko) but I was wondering of that was the extent of your plans ?
are there plans for more Monsters? (new types and variants) and will Mermaids Krakens Nagas and other types of Nepheylm only represented by NPC's have Wild variants ? and are there plans for new sex positions ?
in particular I was wondering , are you planning to include any of the following?
So I just want to start by saying that this game is the best hentai/porn game ever created! It's one of those games that feel like they have been made with love. It nearly fulfills all my dreams and fetishes! Nearly. Now I now this game is still Alpha and that you're probably gonna implement a shitload of new content, so these are just a few things I hope and think to see implemented:
-Anal ( well your probably gonna do it anyway)
-Some kind of story and missions and not just going for requests
-While talking about requests, I'd be happy if you'd actually be able to see your client fuck your nephelym.
-I know you don't really like males but at least let me change his penis size and diameter much more than you can now.
-Talking about size, I wanted to suggest that you'd actually be able to change your characters size, but seeing how it would make animations a nightmare and complicate with which species you can fuck, it's more of a meh.
-However if you were to implement size change It'd be amazing see your character take on their spirits size
-I know this will sound stupid but gay sex would be awesome . However to keep this whole "breeding" thing alive it should be optional
- And now a special one would be to implement a "hunter species" that randomly appears and tries to hunt you. Once catched it would drain you out of all your stamina. Here is where I could see anal Implemented!
-More sex positions and I'm not talking breeding. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the idea of breeding in this game but I'd love to see things like analingus,tit fuck and more be implemented in some way.
Now I know what I just requested was a lot and that you probably won't like everything I said. That is ok, it's your game after all. And yes it would probably take years to implement all of them, but my intention is to just give you a few Ideas and with a slim chance you'll like some of them.
Edit: Just wanted to say that I haven't played the new update since before half an hour ago, but nice to see that you have added some sex positions with smart nephelym.
Great work on creating this game, I'm loving it so far in alpha.
I'm curious on up coming content you may be working on? Will there be more quests to do? More NPC?
I would also think it would be cool to add, like whips and hardcore weapons, and maybe add areas that are hostile at first and you have to tame the area before you can start harvesting nephelym in that area, maybe have to beat a boss, then whip them into submission or beat it with a spiked dildo etc.
Anyway, great game, look forward to seeing what's to come.
Is steam version updated regularly or is there another version to install instead?
So just looking at the character creation screen, I love the breadth of options, but I think it could be more user friendly. Perhaps having sliders instead of just numbers for adjusting size would be a good improvement, since that would make it easier to test out various options and really see what any one setting does. Also if it's possible, making it so changing gender between female and futa won't completely reset things if you're using one of the presets.
Also, I'd suggest making it possible to remove facial hair from male characters, if that wasn't already on your to-do list.
Would totally be interested, if it weren't only on Steam. Like, why the hell would I want Adult games plastered on my library and for anyone to see I played or own one? And I'm not about to log out and into steam just to go to "Private" steam accounts without friends.
Don't get me wrong though, I appreciate that such games can be obtained on Steam and I'm happy to see it encouraging "Adult Games" that are actual games and of decent quality instead of the constant RPG maker, visual novel, or flash games.
Another option is to download it through Steam like you normally would, copy it somewhere else, uninstall the game through Steam, and remove it from your library.
hidden games folder my friend, only problem is i think it shows in your profile played time, but that can get fixed with private game details in privacy
Hello there. I am most likely not the first person to ask this question and also not the last, but I was wondering if there will be a m/m option is something you have in mind, or when we could expect its release. In any case, thank you for creating this fun game
When I first launched, I thought I had to have M/M content to have any success, or even be allowed on Patreon. Keep in mind this is my first game and campaign on Patreon, and I have learned a lot.
Once it became clear that I didn't need to make M/M, I decided not to. It's not something I find appealing at all.
I do apologize for saying I would implement it at launch, but understand it was out of my own lack of experience and ignorance--not out of hatred for any sexual orientation or any attempt to mislead.
That is unfortunate, I really liked what I played. The world is beautiful and unique. I loved the character creation probably the best I have seen in a breeding game. I would give it 10/10....I fell in love with the game... I wish there was m/m. As a gay player, I wont be able to play but I Wish you the best of luck!
I found out about this game when he first started. Not having m/m really sucks. I was hoping one day we would at least get a little here and there but probably wont....
That’s a lie and a half. In addition to many backers wanting it, you yourself said that you were “viciously harassed by the homosexual community.” Which is strange, since f/f seems perfectly fine to you.
I played your game for a few hours and I have to say it is fairly well put together. I am a creative writer and i do some 3d modeling. I was wondering if there was anything you would like help with as far as the work goes. I am mainly reaching out because i would like more experience and to be able to work on a project together with someone.
Almost all your questions are being answered in the official Wiki of this game. Also the dev is far more interested in futanari than males. Feel free to visit the Discord if you have further questions..
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Is there plans for group action, I like my human woman to be dominated and I'd pay for extras and male orcs?
I have a question, where is the download link?
list of download options here
do you have any plans for a mobile version?
Please add the option to make player size larger. current size is 6ft but would really like to play as a 9 to 10ft breeder if possible
World levels cheat code doesnt work on the newer versions
im guessing in only works on windows
Is their any plan to give futa balls? Or at least add a shemale option where your a futa without a pussy and have balls? Because i'm not going to lie it kind of feels insulting the game keeps slapping me with the "Sweet walls before balls." line. At first I didn't care but the snake lady just felt like a personal stab. the line of "No futa balls are useless." Genuinely felt like If I went to that world they would just force me to go back to being a guy because "The hell is wrong with you? You got balls ether turn into a guy or lose them and grow a pussy." (Yes im a trans woman this is why I say this.)
Listen, when it comes down to it, don't you think a futa looks better without a ball sack, as for one, futanari means a character who has an overall feminine body, but has both female and male primary genitalia, witch could include a ball sack, but mostly in reference to breasts, a penis, and a vagina. So, where the ball sack sits would overlap where the ball sack is, therefore, I say logically futas shouldn't have a ball sack. Also, a futa with a ball sack would have a harder time getting fucked in the pussy, as the damned ball sack would get in the way. Also, when you say a futa with out a pussy, you do know that if the futa doesn't have a pussy then it is not a futa. As a futa is born with the genitalia of both male and female, minus the ball sack. So I make my point, don't say that futas should have ball sacks, as they are useless to a futa, since they are not male or female, they are both, unlike a transgender person, as in real life you are either male or female, meaning if you have a penis and ball sack, then your male, no ifs ands or buts. But if you have a pussy and no ball sack and no penis then your female. People need to under stand that you might choose what you wanna be, but unless you actually change all your genitalia to the opposite sex then you haven't changed from your old sex.
Sorry for my ramblings, I just can't help but comment on posts like this one to tell the poster about my feelings on the topic, especially since it is about futas, I love futanari type content and a lot of it is like this game, no fucking balls, just the way it should be with futas.
so first to assume i think without is better is not a good start to a counter argument.
Next just because you have a set type you agree with doesn't mean that is the right one. The definition of futanari is Japanese word for hermaphroditism and they have both sexs characteristics. That is another description of it.
Also you have types. Full package, sans pussy, sans dick (for some reason i don't know or understand).
OK then explain the male. If balls are that much an issue for sex with you why in this game the men have balls. Your and the game logic are saying because the balls get in the way they should be gone. And because male monsters exist to there will be a male that gets penetrated. If your argument is "well men not have pussy" ya and catgirls can't get railed by a dick the size of a tree. Your idea is also saying that because im a futa im not being a proper one unless im using my pussy? Ya wife i know you hate the taste of my dick but your teeth are getting in the way of giving me a blowjob. So we have to remove them.
I can respect that. Really i respect the fact your preference is a futa without balls. But you should remember that your not the only human. I'm not fully a futa sure but remember the point where I said "or add a shemale that is the female but has a dick balls but no pussy." Because if you break down fully what I am i am a shemale. I look just like a woman from all the hormones and you wouldn't know i have a dick till I got a boner. And what your telling me here is my balls need to be lopped off and a pussy attached because i don't fit your idea of what you see as a proper futanari or all of my efforts to change what I am should be threw away because unless im willing to mutalate my genitalia I'm not good enough.
as a man with a pussy, i think there should def be an option for the woman with penises to have an option to have balls too. it wouldn't even be that hard to achieve, because fundamentally you could easily make the mechanics that of the male characters so they couldn't get pregnant too. hell if that's too hard there could be an option to toggle balls on them instead, just means they'll get penetrated behind the nuts instead and we can all pretend it's an asshole since the dev didn't include that kind of stuff either
Sorry for the late reply, but I don't have a problem with sex with balls, I only have a problem with it when a futa has balls, as I said it is an obstruction of the pussy, and if a futa doesn't have a pussy then I can't call them a futa, so I don't have a problem with balls, as on a male the balls don't get in the way of sex, either when they get screwed in the ass or are the one doing the screwing, it just becomes a problem when the ball sack obscures the hole the dick goes into.
Also, when you say;
"And what your telling me here is my balls need to be lopped off and a pussy attached because i don't fit your idea of what you see as a proper futanari or all of my efforts to change what I am should be threw away because unless im willing to mutalate my genitalia I'm not good enough."
I am not saying that at all, as when it comes down to it, I don't like a female to have a dick, and here is the thing I define a female as someone that doesn't have a dick, a male is defined as someone having a dick, but of course, if you don't have a dick nor a pussy then your nonbinary, so with that, I only recognize those three genders (male, female, nonbinary). But I do respect people's pronouns, until it comes down to a male that has become a female, as on the base level, a male produces a decent amount of testosterone, that makes a man more robust than a woman, so when I hear that men that became women are competing in female sports competitions, I can't help but want to kill them, of course, I would never do such a hanis crime as to kill someone, but it shows that I just hate it when a male goes and becomes a female, and note I my self am a natural born male.
Plus I only say that a futa shouldn't have balls from the standpoint of games, art, fictional shit. As in real life, a futa would need a ball sack to produce sperm to impregnate those who have wombs. Also, in real life, I say there is no such thing as a futa in the real world as one of their genitals most likely is fake.
Also, don't try playing off what I said about futas in my other comment, as when I talk about futas I am talking about the world of fiction, most of the time.
I didn't get this message. But yes I respect your idea of futa don't need balls. Just add a shemale option. Disable pregnancy and because the game seems to always prioritize male as pinatrater the shemale code is a copy pasted code of male but using the female body with the male body genitals.
Honestly I love herm, and I enjoy them to have big balls ^^ So maybe having the choice ? Like you said that complicate the penetration so if the herm have balls we'll be a bit more limited with the positions. But, I really think having balls would be great for a herm.
Not really just use the male code. I tried everything I could to get the male human penitrated and it seems all most imposable. But personally I don't mind if things clip a bit
bro, your game is insane !
It's a wonderful game and I want to see more in the futur versions. (maybe new monsters like LAMIA, CENTORUS, MERMAID or ARACHNE and new males forms with new biomes .)
good luck !
if we have cum inside of the play that we are
can we get pregnant in the game
I don't know if you still respond on this website or not, but I'd be interested in helping... if you don't mind helping someone learn when needed, I also do not wish to *earn money* from this, I genuinely find this game as a lot of potential and wish to join in the experience of the creation... if you'll allow me.
You're probably being bombarded with ideas or suggestions, but I have a couple practical ones I hope get through. The first being an overarching quest or mission which employs all of the mechanics of the game (breeding, sex positions, opening all the portals & gates, etc.) and I was thinking the reward would be a little NPC spirit thing that you would eventually breed a 'body' for and would then travel with you and have options when interacted with for sex, and farm tasks (i.e. collect semen, collect milk, and so on where you then select the species). Options could later be added to make the NPC mate cooler.
Another idea that I really hope gets through would be more sorting options in the ranch, like filtering by subspecies and having a checkbox filter for genetic traits.
Those were the main two, but here are a few others I think players will really dig.
A "Generate cut-scene" option with it's own hotkey would actually pause the game and generate a more advanced, finer rendered, and more fully animated (i.e. slow mo moment of initial penetration, more realistic movement aspects and body/tissue dynamics) 1 to 5 minute video from the user cam POV which you can save in your library (standard format). Settings would be available for adding checkbox features like "extreme *** inflation ending", "overfilled: *** shoots out opposite orifice", "full-through: long, narrow appendages can poke out of opposite orifice", "enhanced belly bulge animation", "end with facial", and so on. This effectively gives the game a custom fetish porn generator aspect which will give it more longevity. An addon pack could later add a clip editor to the game for splicing together scenes from within the game itself and/or add advanced scripting and camera control features to the "Generate cut-scene" option so you could "Script cut-scene" first.
Finally, I think a "Voyeur" character would be neat who would volunteer to breed Neph for you based on desired criteria 3 times per day. You would simply check off the desired traits, gender, and end species. He offers to do this because he gets off on watching the Neph breeding and the idea of controlling who mates with who is exciting to him. But to get him on board you have to breed him something he can come home to after a "hard" day of "work". :) You get an on screen notification when a Neph is born with the desired traits.
... Oh and I want to be able to shag Blossom. :)
I can see the amount of work and care that has gone into crafting this game and am really impressed. This game has something most other X-rated games do not. Depth. Keep up the great work and I look forward to the next update.
PS: Moving the Homestead portal closer to home has been suggested before, I hope this one gets into the game as well. I can run to certain neighboring locations almost as quick as I can run to the nearest portal.
I got this game on Steam because it was free and the description sounded like this was more than just a simple hentai game, and I was right. You're doing an awesome job, and I'm even more impressed to now know that this is a personal project. It already looks much more polished than most early access games out right now, so if this is alpha, I can't wait to see where this goes. As this is actually the first hentai game I've ever installed, ever, literally, I don't have much to compare it to in that respect, but I think your animations and character models are great and spot on. I do have a few suggestions, and I hope this is the right place to post them. If not, let me know where.
The only real suggestions I have for the graphics and animation, which are amazing already, is more variation in genitalia, both male and female, and some animation on the male side. To expand, variations on labia and clits at the very least would be awesome, as well as variation for penis and testicle size for males. Regarding the males, the stick straight permaboners are a little weird, and an alternate animation for a flaccid penis when they're just running around in idle mode (go erect for chase mode) would not only add a little more realism, but I think a LOT of humor. ;D
I also saw a couple previous comments referring to the lack of M/M sex in the game, and as a hetero cis male, I kinda agree that it should be included, even with the extra workload of creating a few more animations and the fact that a m/m copulation won't result in breeding, this game is far too awesome and polished to leave our gay brothers out of the fun. They can still breed their Nephelym with each other, and engage their own avatar only with partners of their choosing. This game has the framework already to be all inclusive.
Regarding gameplay and mechanics, I know it's still alpha, so these could be down the road already...
A minimap or even a menu map would be a BIG help for getting around, as well as waypoint markers on a compass hud. It is fun to just explore, but sometimes you get turned around and run in circles looking for the way to get somewhere.
Some of the Pussy Portals are kinda far away from convenient places, and I'm mostly talking about the one at the Homestead. It would be so much better closer to the main house so you can sleep quicker and not have to run all the way across the field when you're grinding (lol, pun intended) for Nephelym.
The only other suggestion I have so far is a help/reference menu. It's not really clear so far as to what the breeding mechanics are so I'm having a hard time figuring out how to fulfill the breeding requests because I don't really know how to do what they're asking for, or sometimes even what they're asking for in the first place.
Again, I understand this is still in alpha, so some of these things may be in the chute already. Just wanted to give some constructive feedback for improvement and let you know you're doing an AWESOME job on this project. For my first hentai game, I'm impressed. Keep up the great work. ;D
_ bonjour a toutes et a tous, cela fait maintenant un petit moment que je connait vos jeux, un grand merci au créateur de reproducteurs du néphéme pour se game de qualiter. je n'est pas pue m'empêcher de constater un réel travaille fait avec passion. déplacement simple et efficace nous permettons de voyager dans votre univers et de prendre du plaisir visuellement car il faut le dire les graphismes son époustouflant, les textures de peau son magnifique les forêts sont somptueuses ainsi que de nombreux endroit. N'oublions pas la physique qui est mis en avant! Un saut dans le futur qui ma laisser complètement perplexe! Les poitrines bougeant au rythme des actions, les fluides restant sous forme de flac après s'être écoulé au sol, le mouvement de l'eau lorsque l'on marche, cour, les postérieurs se secouant,
A) _ Parlons un peut des texture, la peau des personnages sont lisses et bien soigner, le récolteur de fluide et caoutchouteux et brillant laissent transparaitre la récolte, l'eau, la lave sont fluides et respect la drensiter de masse, les particules d 'arbre sont hypnotisantes et de toute beauté. La bouche! Avez-vous ne ceresse qu'une seule fois regarder dedans? sur voit la glotte! Magnifique. Mais nous ne pouvons pas parler de texture s'en mettre en avant les modifications du personnage, les décorations ainsi que de nombreuses modifications de peau, sont tout simplement remarquables.
B) _ J'ai constaté un effort de diversité de fluide et de lait selon les espèces ... Ces du génie! votre équipe sur une imagination débordante et fort appréciable.
C) _ Les moyens de récolte, de part mon animation bureaux énormément plus, (la traite), AINSI (que les branlette) oui ahah sa ma plus. Les récoltes son satisfaisantes et bien penser. de part les diffèrent façon selon les espèces choisies. L'idée de ferme et bien pensée, je dirait même que c'est exactement ce qu'il fallait.
D) _ Les captures de Nephelym son fort agréables et avouons le assez excitant. en parlant de capture d'espèce, le choix y est et pour tout les gouts ce qui de mon point de vue est une très bonne chose. V ous les aimer de petite taille, de grande taille, de taille normale? vous les aimer bien, ronde? tout y est!
E) _ L'évolution du jeu et intéressant, la argent d'argent et assez simple et rapide à prendre en main. la vente de Nephelym pour obtenir des goddess et bien pensée.
F) _ L'accouplement ... Je dit oui! crée des liens virtuels entres plusieurs inter espèces et génial, cela permet d'agrandir le nombres de diversité, ainsi que de découvrir des créatures magnifiques, insoupçonnés, et dit ajouter une pincette de réalisme. Enceinte!? ces un miracle, je vous mentirez si je n'est pas faillit lâcher une larmichette, lorsque j'ai appris être mère! un lien charnelle ces tout de suite crée entre nous ahah, trêve de plaisanterie, tous simplement magique.
G) _ Le choix de préférence et un point énorme, le fait de pouvoir choisir entre, femme, homme ou futa, permet au joueur une meilleure immersion celons ces gout et ainsi dit prendre plus de plaisir.
H) _ Une histoire mise de coter, n'est pas si grave en soit, je dirait même plus, cela nous permet de crée la notre.
I) _ La possibilité de débloquer différente position sexuelle, ajoute une motivation supplémentaire au joueur, et le force ainsi, avec plaisir, a explorer le monde magique et utopique de Breeders of the Nephelym.
J) _ Avez-vous explorer le royaume de l'eau? si ce n'est pas le cas fonces y, aller nager au milieu des algues vertes et autre végétations sou marine lumineuse, mais je reviendrai la dessus dans le point deux.
K) Voyager d'un monde imaginaire ces bien, mais ce qui est encore mieux, ces de voyager dans plusieurs mondes, et grâce à l'imagination des créateurs, éleveurs du néphélyme, on nous le permet, nous passons d'une monde dance en végétations au lieu le plus chaud et le plus inhospitalier pour le genre humain.
L) _ La forme spirituelle ... So sexy, so 2050, on dit oui est l'on ne s'en lassera jamais, beau travaille de réalisation artistique.
M) freeeee tooo playyyyyyyyy !!!!!! MERCI! Et ces s'incère.
Car, comme dans tous les jeux il y a en a, et ce n'est pas une surprise, il est bon de les recenser. Vue que nombreux d'entre vous vous lirons ce poste, déjà un grand merci, mais surtout, comprenez que les critiques sont la pour améliorer l'expérience du jeu et non une fin perfide et insolente, merci de votre compréhensions.
A) _ Dans le premier point nous parlions de différentes espèces, et malgré une diversité intéressante, nous constatons, par la force des choses, qu'elle n'est pas si diversifier que l'on peut espérer, s'en compter certaine espèce, qui n'enthousiasmerons pas les plus raffiner, ou les plus difficiles, oui, je fait allusion, au physique de certaine espèce de nymphe, qui de mon point de vue ma laisser de marbre, je me retrouver malgré moi face a une espèce que je ne voulais pas attraper, de part sa trop grande rondeur ainsi qu'une paire de seins bien trop charismatique. je citerai quelque s'une d'entre elle, les Sylvan, les Titan, les Bovaur. mais comme un déjà dit un grand homme, il en faut pour tout es gout.
B) _ Nous parlions tout à l'heure de la différence géologique, les grottes, les volcans, et j'en passe, certains d'entre elle mon impressionner de part leur grandeur et la beauté même qui si dégager, mais nous passons du tout au tout, a gauche nous avons Esoteric Glade vêtu d'arbre rose au particule dansantes sur ces tronc ainsi qu'un magnifique lac, puis a gauche nous avons une plaine gigantesque vide, fade, triste, s'en couleur, ne nous donnants pas envi d'y rester plus qu'il ne faut. J'ai envie de mettre sa sur la faute d'un jeu non fini en pleine amélioration, mais ces un autre sujet que j'aborderais tout à l'heure.
D) _ une évolution du jeu trop rapide, ce qui nous pousse à chercher quoi faire, et ce retrouver face à la dure réalité qui est de déjà posséder toute les espèces ainsi que les fermes. Par un manque d'objectif flou, et un manque de cruelle d'objet à trouver, gagner, débloquer.
E) - Aucun artéfact, aucun vêtement, ou équipement à trouver dans un coffre, un certain manque d'équipement pesant, ou sont les bon vieux collier, les bracelet ou même simplement des items de vie a ramasser au file de nos voyage a fin de nous poussez un peut plus dans l'aventure et la découverte de votre monde fantastique qui a déjà beaucoup d'adepte, a fin augmenter nos compétences.
F) _ Ne pas avoir la possibilité de changer de vêtement, sous notre forme normale, est de mon point de vue dommage, une possibilité de rentrer dans notre maison afin d'avoir accès à une penderie ou serait stoker nos vêtements récolter au fichier du temps serait la bienvenu. On peut y ajouter un coffre afin de ranger les différentes babiole amasser durant nos exploration. Mais mon point de vue a une faille, car vue que l'on fait très vite le tour de votre Mapp, on ce retrouverais rapidement en possession de tout les artefact, vêtements, mais une compensation de niveau pour porter divers article pourrait la compenser.
G) _ Pas de carte? Je sais que votre Mapp n'est pas gigantesque mais quand même ...
H) _ Un jeu non fini ... artistiquement, comme sur le gameplay.
I) Un jeu à l'abandons de la part de ses créateur? je m'explique, votre dernier mis a jour remonte au 14 mai ...
( Un jeu magnifique sur ses graphisme ainsi que sur la prise en charge du développement de notre personnage, certaine espèce sont fantastique, pourvue de charme , les interaction et cinématique sont fort satisfaisantes, une bonne immersion dans l'univers de Breeders of the Nephelym, une physique impressionnante pouvant donner une bonne leçon a certain jeux du moment, malheureusement, nous contemplons une pyramide en or non aboutie, de nombreux travaux sont encore a faire, et certaine idée reste encore a peaufiner. Mais ne jetons pas la pierre, car nous avons devant nous une pépite encore trop peut méconnu du grand publique, et qui un jour je l'espère fera parler d'elle comme un bon Call of Duty. Un grand merci au développeur de DerelictHelmsman, d'avoir ouvert la voit a l'un des meilleur jeux de catégorie adulte, et de rendre ces jeux plus sérieux et ambitieux. Merci, merci.)
Ps: oui il est 5h du matin.
1) Pourquoi ne pas compléter la mapp dans l'eau? Sur pourrais y trouver des sirènes par exemples, je suis aller faire un tour et si il y a bien quelque chose a choisi un dire, ces gigantesque! Je suis sur que vous pouvez y faire quelque chose d'intéressant.
Aurevoir, a bientôt je l'espère.
wouldn't mind knowing that the creatures that are underworld and Halloween still in the game because i haven't seen them yet.
Please let us know. Thank you
Hi there,
I've played your game a lot over the last few days - I'm really liking the trait aspect and it's turning into a really good game so far. I can tell you put a lot of work into it. I'm a heterosexual female who is 100% playing your game to take the giant, graphic D in every way possible. No way to sugar coat it so I won't bother trying.
I really like how you've made a genuine effort to make aspects of the game customizable to help with the players gratification but as a straight female I feel a little ignored when it comes to those customization options. I wanted to see if I could get a message to you some how to let you know what would really improve the experience for people in my demographic.
Because of that, it stood out to me that some of your species don't have males. Just females or, if you have it toggled on, futanari. Futas aren't really my thing but I have to toggle them on to play the way I do. So, I was wondering, are you going to eventually add male models for almost all the species?
I also was wondering whether you could add a feature in settings that allows the player to adjust the spawn ratio for males, females, futanari. You already have a toggle to turn off futanari and stop them from spawning, so I assume there probably is a line of code there somewhere that you might be able to create a toggle for?
Standing in Pleasure Pastures and having to wait all damn day for some D borders on F-this - but I'm obsessed so I do. The male spawn ratio isn't really an issue with the Demons or Starfallen, but I notice it with the Bovar especially and some times I have really terrible luck in Lustwood too. Sometimes it's just me standing in a sea of vajajay and unless I made my breeder a futa (which don't get me wrong sometimes *eyebrow wiggle*) it's no fun.
I imagine some players in the male demographic might like the idea of making the male spawn ratio 0 so they don't have giant Dragon D dangling over their heads while they're doing something else lol.
I hope you see this and thank you for taking the time to read this. I really enjoy your game and if it could eventually get some small updates to help customize my experience a little more I would be over the moon. It's great where it is but since you say it's in Alpha I imagine you might consider making some changes/additions for people like me.
Played an early version and it had M/F, M/M, and F/F content. Now he says that he doesn't have M/M since this is a "breeding" game and it would make no sense to include it. Yet F/F is okay to keep in? Sorry. This game is too homophobic for my liking. Make the game that you want to play and to Hell with making a game that EVERYONE can enjoy, right? Oh well. I wish you the best. I hope you make a lot of money on this. You just won't get any of mine.
Great speech! Thank you for standing up for us for Love=Love! (Maybe you can calm down with what you can find on my profile, just maybe~)
An idea to apply the breeding mechanic, traits, and statistics. The story for Breeders of the Nephelym begins as the gods/goddesses of love/sex compete to see who is the most hypersexual. Hypersexuality translates into power for sex/lust deities. They decide to settle the matter through a "Fuck Off" competition. Deities set the rules as follows: 1) No divine intervention. True hypersexuality persist without constant divine stimulation. 2) Therefore, Competitors must be bred by a breeder. Deities may guide their breeder in best practices. 2) Competitors must win a series of "Gang Bang" tournaments to advance in rank (E Rank, D Rank, C Rank, B Rank, A Rank) 3) Competitors must win the Cosmic tournament to be declared "Gang Bang Champion."
Success in tournament proves god/goddess as the most hypersexual, thus most powerful. A Tournament match consists a battle of sexual position determined through Rock(Dick), Paper(Blow Job) , Scissors(Pussy) or through a Sexual Mini Game Design. Then, the match concludes with the stamina test used in the Surprise Sex mechanic. Sexual positions offer an advantage against different Nephelym either increasing pleasure or increasing stamina. Traits can synergize with different sexual positions to improve sexual resistance or sexual pleasure of the competitor.
Players select their god/goddess for whom they will represent ( Each deity affects breeding, resources, and combat/sex. The deity's influence can add strengths, weaknesses, and unique abilities. The story opens with the deity abducting the breeder. On Nephelym, the story opens as it is currently set with gameplay explanation by Falene. When the story progresses to Leylanna and The Emissary, conditions are offered on how to return home: 1) Build favor through the Emissary by completing quest, and 2) Transcend Nephelym to the pantheon of myth such as Cerberus, Zu, or Chimera ( Once the tasks are completed, not only will the player have serious fuck machines but other ways of collecting Orgasium. The story mode ends with the breeder returning home or moving on to the next challenge, another land with more creatures to mate and compete.
Another mechanic can be cosmetic surgery. Through a new character, Orgasium can purchase physical alterations to Nephelym. The action may improve body build but negatively affect sexual performance, advantage vs. performance in matches.
I was wondering if there is going to be any new features added in the near future or is this as far as you're willing to go.
Wow. This is awesome. Please make it available for MAC OS X on Steam. Thank you! Keep up the amazing work!
PS. Don't do what you think shouldn't be done just because pervs ask for it (ie. gay/anal).
Bruh he specified about not doing gay but what's your problem with anal?
Also don't think you're less of a perv than us because you're playing the same game lol.
He wants his furry porn but he can't do it with a guy or in the butt of a girl bec then it'd be weird
why exactly would a dick in the butt be weird?
That was my point haha, it's just him being a prude that other people like doing it up the butt even though he's commenting on porn
Hey! just wanted to let you know that i really love your game, i know it's still under development but, I would love if maybe you expanded a bit in the inflation/bulging department :D also maybe like, make some rare items or rare stuff you can find by adventuring (or breeding) that could let you modify some body parts beyond the limit!
Keep up the good work
I agree with BreederFan
I've been playing this for several days now and aside from being a sucker for character creation I've had a soft spot for breeder games or games with such mechanics ( specifically ones that create hybrids) ever since playing Jade Cocoon on PS1 it looks good runs well and plays well (though might I suggest a way to filter selection of nephelym by traits ?) Its just so fun to discover what you get by crossing the various Monster-Girl types and the surprise sex system is hilarious
I've had my character tackled from off camera to the ground and fucked silly , that just makes me laugh for some reason especially as I imagine my character "Eeping"as she hits the dirt lol .
while I love whats already available and can't wait for the full release I gotta ask:
I found a wiki that mentioned Risu (rats) , Alraune(plant/fungi) and Undead(ghosts) as well as plans for variants Imp (demon) , Kitsune(foxen) ,Minotaur(Bovaur) , Kobald(Vulwarg), Ogre(Titan) and Tiger(Neko) but I was wondering of that was the extent of your plans ?
are there plans for more Monsters? (new types and variants) and will Mermaids Krakens Nagas and other types of Nepheylm only represented by NPC's have Wild variants ? and are there plans for new sex positions ?
in particular I was wondering , are you planning to include any of the following?
-"Tauric" Races (Centaurs, Driders, Deerfolk etcetera )
-Tentacle monsters (and sex scenes)
-new surprise sex scenes like Anal / Gangbangs / double penetration etcetera ?
Again I love the game and plan on purchasing the full game when it comes out I'm just curious as to its future growth.
So I just want to start by saying that this game is the best hentai/porn game ever created! It's one of those games that feel like they have been made with love. It nearly fulfills all my dreams and fetishes! Nearly. Now I now this game is still Alpha and that you're probably gonna implement a shitload of new content, so these are just a few things I hope and think to see implemented:
-Anal ( well your probably gonna do it anyway)
-Some kind of story and missions and not just going for requests
-While talking about requests, I'd be happy if you'd actually be able to see your client fuck your nephelym.
-I know you don't really like males but at least let me change his penis size and diameter much more than you can now.
-Talking about size, I wanted to suggest that you'd actually be able to change your characters size, but seeing how it would make animations a nightmare and complicate with which species you can fuck, it's more of a meh.
-However if you were to implement size change It'd be amazing see your character take on their spirits size
-I know this will sound stupid but gay sex would be awesome . However to keep this whole "breeding" thing alive it should be optional
- And now a special one would be to implement a "hunter species" that randomly appears and tries to hunt you. Once catched it would drain you out of all your stamina. Here is where I could see anal Implemented!
-More sex positions and I'm not talking breeding. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the idea of breeding in this game but I'd love to see things like analingus,tit fuck and more be implemented in some way.
Now I know what I just requested was a lot and that you probably won't like everything I said. That is ok, it's your game after all. And yes it would probably take years to implement all of them, but my intention is to just give you a few Ideas and with a slim chance you'll like some of them.
Edit: Just wanted to say that I haven't played the new update since before half an hour ago, but nice to see that you have added some sex positions with smart nephelym.
Also what else is new?
wish i could prepay for when this game gets released. i love it so far.
Great work on creating this game, I'm loving it so far in alpha.
I'm curious on up coming content you may be working on? Will there be more quests to do? More NPC?
I would also think it would be cool to add, like whips and hardcore weapons, and maybe add areas that are hostile at first and you have to tame the area before you can start harvesting nephelym in that area, maybe have to beat a boss, then whip them into submission or beat it with a spiked dildo etc.
Anyway, great game, look forward to seeing what's to come.
Is steam version updated regularly or is there another version to install instead?
Also sorry, can we donate to your project.
Cheers. Keep up the good work.
So just looking at the character creation screen, I love the breadth of options, but I think it could be more user friendly. Perhaps having sliders instead of just numbers for adjusting size would be a good improvement, since that would make it easier to test out various options and really see what any one setting does. Also if it's possible, making it so changing gender between female and futa won't completely reset things if you're using one of the presets.
Also, I'd suggest making it possible to remove facial hair from male characters, if that wasn't already on your to-do list.
Would totally be interested, if it weren't only on Steam. Like, why the hell would I want Adult games plastered on my library and for anyone to see I played or own one? And I'm not about to log out and into steam just to go to "Private" steam accounts without friends.
Don't get me wrong though, I appreciate that such games can be obtained on Steam and I'm happy to see it encouraging "Adult Games" that are actual games and of decent quality instead of the constant RPG maker, visual novel, or flash games.
Steam is just not great with boundaries.
Just run the game EXE, it has no drm, you just download it through steam.
That's something but still no, people are still able to look at your library. Also wishing I could play this without Steam being involved.
Another option is to download it through Steam like you normally would, copy it somewhere else, uninstall the game through Steam, and remove it from your library.
hidden games folder my friend, only problem is i think it shows in your profile played time, but that can get fixed with private game details in privacy
i just downloaded the game on steam, when i tried to play it the game just closes
Just run the game EXE, it has no drm, you just download it through steam.
Just run the game EXE, it has no drm, you just download it through steam.
Hello there. I am most likely not the first person to ask this question and also not the last, but I was wondering if there will be a m/m option is something you have in mind, or when we could expect its release. In any case, thank you for creating this fun game
Hey is there m/m content?
At first he said he would like in the link below. He pretty much gave his gay supporters the middle finger. He doesn't wanna do it now.
When I first launched, I thought I had to have M/M content to have any success, or even be allowed on Patreon. Keep in mind this is my first game and campaign on Patreon, and I have learned a lot.
Once it became clear that I didn't need to make M/M, I decided not to. It's not something I find appealing at all.
I do apologize for saying I would implement it at launch, but understand it was out of my own lack of experience and ignorance--not out of hatred for any sexual orientation or any attempt to mislead.
That is unfortunate, I really liked what I played. The world is beautiful and unique. I loved the character creation probably the best I have seen in a breeding game. I would give it 10/10....I fell in love with the game... I wish there was m/m. As a gay player, I wont be able to play but I Wish you the best of luck!
That sucks :( It looks interesting.
I found out about this game when he first started. Not having m/m really sucks. I was hoping one day we would at least get a little here and there but probably wont....
That’s a lie and a half. In addition to many backers wanting it, you yourself said that you were “viciously harassed by the homosexual community.” Which is strange, since f/f seems perfectly fine to you.
I wonder, what will be the 3D program where he creates the characters
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I played your game for a few hours and I have to say it is fairly well put together. I am a creative writer and i do some 3d modeling. I was wondering if there was anything you would like help with as far as the work goes. I am mainly reaching out because i would like more experience and to be able to work on a project together with someone.
can we get crosspaly for mac never gets anything
I plan to support Mac and Linux when possible.
thank yoooouu, hope its soon
Why don`t you buy a functional PC instead?
Updated link for public build 0.717.
Why can't I install/manage this with the Itch app?
It's hosted on MEGA, so you can't download it directly. I wish we could manage it with the desktop app too. :(
Too big to upload here.
Great game!
Are there any plans to be able to re-customize your character in the future without restarting?
Where do Titans spawn? I feel like I've searched the entire map, but havent found them
Do some monsters not have a male variant? I havent found any male Seraphim, Harpy, or Neko, and havent managed to breed any.
Some suggestions I have:
Maybe bump up the spawn rate of some of the males. It feels like the ration is 1 male for every 7 females
Include a map, and maybe have it say which areas a monster spawns in.
When breeding relatives, have a warning come up that they are relatives.
Maybe include a walkthrough that tells where things spawn, and what combinations create hybrids
Almost all your questions are being answered in the official Wiki of this game. Also the dev is far more interested in futanari than males. Feel free to visit the Discord if you have further questions..
I greatly prefer the female form. While not every race will have them, more males will be added later.
Haven't played in AGES, but i loved what i saw before, so glad you finally brought it to itch, now i won't forget about you again!
EDIT: Played for a bit, and i'm having a really strange stutter, not sure if it's a common thing or no. Though just in case:
-Happens regardless of quality settings
-Every 1.5-2 seconds, occasionally up to 3 or 4
-Where I am doesn't seem to affect it
-Not noticing an actual drop in frames, from what i can tell, it just stops and if i'm moving my mouse(at all) it YEETS my camera around